My little fisherman

My little fisherman

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hurricane Ed

Well, it appears we have a hurricane brewing in the Gulf. I did decide to shop for a few items that my pantry was lacking. Here is a breakdown of what I purchased: 3 cases of high quality H2O, 1 case of diapers, jar baby food, bread, turkey, chips, and ice. Thankfully our house is equipped with a gas cook top so I can cook a few things if we loose electricity. Hopefully this tropical depression will not be anything like Allison. Do you remember where you were? The Bronx is where most of you were...while I stayed in my apartment because my Mother begged me not to go out that night. Mom was correct, I am so glad I didn't walk home in waist deep water with some of you. I'm also thankful I didn't have to stay at the Bronx with half naked drunk folks.

Needless to say, people are always affected by hurricanes so let us hope Ed does not treat us too badly.

Okay - two new things from Kaden today:
1. New word - "stir" - he wanted to stir my propel powder in my glass of water
2. New word - "move" - and he uses it correctly. He pushed my hand away from him and said "move"...then he pushed GiGi out of his way and said "move".

No workout tonight - side tracked with the hurricane preparations. I am almost positive there will be no hill workout tomorrow night. AHHHH!

I did stay awake until midnight last night trying to figure out how to post a slideshow on this blog. Obviously I did not succeed. I will continue to research and post the pics from our weekend in Louisiana.

Did I mention that I met Jake and Angie's son Evan? He is so cute and well behaved. Kaden kicked Lynn's dog and I was rather embarrassed. He NEVER kicks our dogs. Maybe he figured the dog was a toy, it only weighs 3 pounds which makes it even worse.

1 comment:

Angie & Jake said...

You are soo funny!! We had a great time visiting with you & Kaden